Winter time is traditionally used for safety checks on the locomotives, but also for maintenance operation that are too heavy to be done during the commercial period.
Les ballastières ont été révisées et repeintes en vue d'un déplacement à Pithiviers où nous aiderons l'association AMTP a entretenir sa voie.
The ballast carriages have been checked and painted in view of a travel to Pithiviers where we will help the AMTP society to maintain its track.
Avant - Before Photo Jules L. |
Après - After Photo Jules L. |
The Dfv15 wagon entered a great and well needed refitting session. The bogies have been taken off for several operations.
Alex photographie les points de graissage pour la formation Alex takes pictures of lubricating points for training Photo Nicolas P. |
Julien changes segments on the compressor pistons. The check valves have been changed too, the compressed air production was too difficult last season.
Photo Nicolas P. |
Benoît builds a setting rod for the compressor transmission. A new system to replace the troublesome previous one. The compressor is now refitted and on a new belt tension system, easier to acces and to use.
Photo Nicolas P. |
Wheels have been taken off and put on the lathe to correct the running surfaces (profile, flats).
Alex et Benoît contrôlent l'essieu Alex and Benoît checking the wheels Photo Jules L. |
C'est bien mieux qu'avant ! A lot better than before ! Photo Jules L. |
Les portées de pivot ont également été rechargées et dressées, les bogies ont été peints avant d'être remis en place.
The axle-boxes have been checked and the lubrication wicks replaced. Sufaces of pivot have been weld-recharged and reshaped, the bogies painted before being put back in place.
Le fourgon a également reçu de nouvelles tôles de toiture en remplacement des anciennes, percées et qui laissaient entrer la pluie un peu partout.
The wagon also received new aluminium sheeting on the roof to replace the old leaking ones that let the rain enter here and there.
Pendant ce temps là, Jacques a poursuivi sa mise au point de l'embiellage gauche de la 020 O&K. Remplacement de coussinets, calage, ajustage, de la mécanique de précision pour un mouvement sensible.
During this time, Jacques continued his set-up of the 040 O&K left rod assembly. Replacement of bronze pads, shimming, adjustments, precision mechanic for a sensible movement.
Photo Jules L. |
Photo Jules L. |
Photo Jules L. |
Train always means activity, even when not running !
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