The new fireman' side injector of the O&K 040 "La Touraine" is finally operational.
La mise en service aura été aussi délicate que le fonctionnement de ces appareils et aura nécessité la reprise intégrale de l'installation. A commencer par le clapet anti-retour dont il fallait s'assurer du bon fonctionnement.
It's commissioning has been as delicate as the operation of these apparatus and required a total refit of the installation. To begin with the check valve which we had to be sure it worked fine.
L'appareil ayant des dimensions différentes de son prédécesseur, son raccordement a requis des modifications de la tuyauterie.
The device dimensions being different from its predecessor, its connection reequired alterations of piping.
Les performances ont alors conduit à modifier encore le raccordement pour former une ligne droite au lieu d'une boucle courte, afin d'améliorer l'écoulement de la vapeur entrante. L'injecteur est par conséquent repoussé à ras de la cloison avant.
The performances then led to alter again the tubing to form a straight line instead of a short loop, in order to improve the flow of the inbound steam. The injector is subsequently pushed forward against the wall.
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Photos: Peter Williams |
At the cost of having to reach it out farther, firemen of this loco will now have a more efficient injector at their disposition. It is an appreciable comfort for them, but also for the drivers who are discharged from operating the contingency device on their side.
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