Rolling stock was being cared of too. The amount of work to do is so important that it was soon needed to use extra-hand in hope to save time.
La baladeuse de Pithiviers a été levée pour retirer ses bogies dont les essieux vont être repris au tour. Cette opération a pris du retard suite à une panne électrique du tour à essieux. Posée sur lorries, la voiture a vu ses extrémités repeintes en vue de modifier la disposition des bancs. Ces travaux ont été en partie effectués par des membres de l'AMTP, venus participer à nos chantiers.
The passenger carriage from Pithiviers has been lifted to withdraw its bogies for the axles to be rechaped on the lathe. This operation got late because of an electrical failure on the lathe. Down on lorries, the carriage had its ends painted in preparation of seats alteration. Some of these operations were performed by membres of the AMTP society, they came here specially to attend this work session.
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Photo: Jean-Charles Mameli |
The DBf38 carriage had been completely cleared. After reusable equipments were taken down, all wooden walls and floor ave been removed, as well as the roof lining for complete renewal. Some distorted parts of the steel frame were straighten out.
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Photo: Sébastien Jubault |
A lot of time will be spent this winter to get thes two carriages back in shape for duty at the beginning of the 2017 season.
La loco vapeur DFB ex-creusot a été débarrassée de toutes les enveloppes de sa chaudière pour une inspection visuelle en vue de sa présentation à une épreuve de requalification.
The ex-Creusot Brigadelok locomotive have been cleared of its boiler bodywork to be submitted to a visual inspection, hopefully prior to requalifying pressure test.
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Photos: Edgard Zander |
Fortunately, this machine has been modified to allow removal of the steel sheets without having to dismantle the whole cabin, a precious time saver ! All accessible zones have been brushed off for visual inspection and a campaign of ultrasonic thickness measurement.
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Photo: Edgard Zander |
The former dome, with its worn-out rivets, has been taken down to try the one reclaimed from the former boiler of the "Polska" loco. This one has been removed too for cleaning and inspection, as well as allow to inspect inside the boiler.
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Photo: Edgard Zander |
Three other locos wil be inspected this winter: the 030 Decauville, the 040 Orenstein & Koppel, and the other Brigadelok, either for regular check-up or for expert advice on possible boiler requalifying.
Merci à Alexandre Lhotellier pour ses précisions.
Thanks to Alexandre Lhotellier for details.
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