The opened passenger car " the bathtub" received some care this winter for a great reconditioning.
Everything has been taken off: seats, flooring, bogies, to access the frame structure.
Jean-Bernard |
Sébastien D. |
Le châssis a été consolidé puis sablé avant remise en peinture.
The frame has been reinforced and sandblasted then repainted.
Romain |
Les bogies ont été nettoyés et contrôlés. Un des deux a eu ses traverses remplacées par des neuves.
Bogies have been cleaned and checked. One of those had its cross-pieces replaced by new ones.
Alex |
Then the reassembly could begin. Painting...
Marc R |
... installing of new doors.
Nicolas |
Other peoples worked on the bathtub. They are not mentioned here but really desserve congrats for the well done job. All stages of progress are not shown either, these are only extracts.
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